False Allegations of Parental“Alienation”

Claims of parental alienation are a complex and contentious issue within family law, especially in cases involving custody disputes. Parental alienation is often defined as one parent, often described as the alienating parent, supposedly manipulating a child to reject the other parent, diminishing the child’s affection for and relationship with the other parent. This phenomenon, whether real or alleged, can significantly impact custody decisions in divorce and separation cases.

It is important to note this article is about abusers making false claims against victim parents, not legitimate claims of abuse or neglect.

Abusers often use claims of parental alienation strategically in several ways to gain custody of their children from their victim spouses:

As a Deflection Tool:

Abusers often accuse the victim spouse of alienating the child from them to deflect from their abusive behavior. By shifting the focus to the alleged alienation, the abuser draws attention away from their actions and reframes the narrative to depict themselves as the victim of manipulation and unfair treatment. Examples of this can include emotional abuse, substance abuse, physical abuse of the partner or children, and sexual abuse. While not always, accusations of abuse tend to follow a pattern from least harmful, such as yelling at the child, to most harmful such as sexual abuse against the child.

To Undermine the Victim’s Credibility:

By claiming the victim is engaging in alienating behaviors, the abuser attempts to undermine the victim’s credibility in the eyes of the court. This is particularly effective if the abuser can elicit or exaggerate responses from the child that seem to support their claims, thereby questioning the victim’s suitability as a primary caregiver. To understand an example of this, think back to when you were a child and someone would put their finger in your face and say, “I’m not touching you.” When you respond, whether by screaming or defending yourself, what happens? You got in trouble. The same is true for victims. They respond to the stimuli (or the finger in the face) and are seen as “crazy” or “alienating.”

Exploitation of the Legal System:

Abusers often use the legal system to their advantage by presenting claims of parental alienation, knowing courts take such accusations seriously. The legal process then becomes a tool for continuing abuse, with the abuser using litigation to harass the victim, drain their resources, and prolong conflict. In doing so, the abuser hopes to wear down the victim and achieve a more favorable custody outcome. Most of us believe “Justice will prevail.” However, being forced back into court every few months is difficult at best. There are no guarantees in court. There is also an increase in anxiety that the abuser will be believed, and they will not get to see their children. Not to mention the extreme monetary cost and amount of time required to get through this process.

Another facet of exploiting the legal system, which will be covered in a later blog post is vexatious litigation which is defined as when a person repeatedly abuses the judicial process, using it for frivolous or malicious purposes (Fla. Stat. § 68.093)

Influence on Custody Evaluations:

Claims of parental alienation also significantly influence custody evaluations. Courts often rely on mental health evaluations to understand family dynamics better and make decisions in the child’s best interest. If an evaluator is convinced of alienation, this can lead to recommendations that favor the abuser, under the presumption that restoring the child’s relationship with the alienating parent is paramount. Meeting custody evaluators, Guardian’s Ad Litem, and mental health professionals who are all attempting to do what is in the best of the child is exhausting. Throughout their education, mental health professionals are taught to provide a non-judgmental space for healing. However, in custody cases, there is judgement placed on the actions, behavior, and statements of the parents. Since the victim has been accused of alienation, they are fearful of more accusations and how they are being perceived.

Impact on the Child's Voice:

In some cases, the child’s legitimate concerns about or fear of the abuser may be dismissed as the product of alienation. This can result in the court discounting the child’s expressed preferences or experiences with the abuser, potentially placing the child in an environment where they are not safe or comfortable. If you are serving as a child’s therapist in this type of case, it is imperative to hear their voice because so often their wants and needs are overlooked. While there is nuance to this, if a child does not feel safe with the abuser despite no “external” concerns, you need to be paying attention.

Manipulation of Parent-Child Relationships:

By alleging alienation, abusers manipulate parent-child relationships to their advantage. The legal focus shifts towards addressing the alienation, often involving therapy or intervention to “correct” the supposed alienation. This process further traumatizes the child and victim spouse, disrupts healing, and entrench the abuser’s control and influence over the family dynamics. Reunification therapy is difficult. It is hard on the child. However, if the child was never alienated, it is not warranted, therefore it should not be done. Unfortunately, many courts are quick to recommend this process, in the absence of better alternatives. If you are a therapist who finds yourself in a case where reunification is ordered but it becomes apparent you are doing reification therapy WITH the abuser, you must speak up.

The use of parental alienation claims by abusers in custody cases is a contentious topic, and responses from the legal system can vary widely. It is important for courts to carefully consider the context of each family’s situation, including the history of abuse, to ensure that claims of parental alienation are not used to further victimize the abused spouse or negatively impact the children involved. Mental health professionals, legal experts, and child advocates often emphasize the need for nuanced understanding and careful evaluation in such cases to protect the best interests of the child while ensuring the safety and rights of all parties are respected.

Written by Matt McDaniel, MA, LPC


False Allegations of Parental “Alienation” (Part 2)


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